1. The term "Globalization" was first used extensively by:

a) David Held
b) Kofi Annan
c) Anthony Giddens
d) Saski Sassen

Ans. c) Anthony Giddens

2. The book " The Third Way and Its Critics " is written by:

a) David Held
b) Kofi Annan
c) Anthony Giddens
d) Saski Sassen

Ans. c) Anthony Giddens

3. The concept of ' world society ' was developed by:

a) Mcluhan
b) John Burton
c) Hedley Bull
d) None of these

Ans. b) John Burton

4. The book " The Anarchical Society " is written by:

a) Mcluhan
b) John Burton
c) Hedley Bull
d) None of these

Ans. c) Hedley Bull

5. The term " International Relation" was first coined by:

a) Bentham
b) Ohmae
c) Gallie
d) Bodin

Ans. a) Bentham

6. Bentham first used the term " International Relation" in which among the following of his book: 

a) A Fragment on Government
b) Principle of Morals and Legislation
c) Utilitarianism
d) The Book of Fallacies

Ans. b) Principle of Morals and Legislation

7. Which among the following convention defined that a state must possess 4 qualifying properties:

a) Vienna Convention
b) Genocide Convention
c) Montevideo Convention
d) None of these

Ans. c) Montevideo Convention

8. What are the 4 qualifying properties that a state should possess according to the Montevideo Convention(1933):

a) a defined territory
b) a permanent population 
c) an effective government, the capacity to enter into relations with other states.
d) All of these 

Ans. d) All of these 

9. " The Peace of Westphalia " is the beginning of modern International polities, which was held in the year: 

a) 1658
b) 1686
c) 1648
d) 1684

Ans. c) 1648

10. What are the key principles of  ' Westphalian System ' :

a) Sovereignty and legal equality of the states
b) Sovereignty and economic equality of the state
c) Democratic state system
d) Sovereignty and democratic state system

Ans.  a) Sovereignty and legal equality of the states

11. Which types of  NGO are related to the design and implementation of development-related projects:

a) Advocacy NGOs
b) Operational NGOs
c) TNCs
d) Promotional Pressure groups

Ans. b) Operational NGOs

12. Which among the following NGO is working on Human Rights worldwide :

a) Green Peace
b) Care International
c) Amnesty International
d) All of these

Ans. c) Amnesty International

13. The idea of ' complex interdependence ' was given by:
a) Keohane and Nye
b) Ohmae and Nye
c) Keohane and Ohmae
d) None of these

Ans. a) Keohane and Nye

14. The term 'Anarchy' means:

a) the absence of a central authority
b) without rule
c) absence of higher authority
d) All of the above

Ans. d) All of the above

15. Who among the following advanced the notion of an ' anarchical society ' :

a) Hedley Bull
b) Keohane and Nye
c) Ohmae
d) None of these

Ans. a) Hedley Bull

16. Who among the following thinker is the propounder of  'problem-solving theory ' :

a) Sun Tzu
b) Joseph Nye
c) Robert Cox
d) Robert Keohane 

Ans. c) Robert Cox

17. Who among the following has the realist vision of International politics:
a) Sun Tzu
b) Machiavelli
c) Thucydides
d) All of the above

Ans. d) All of the above

18. Which among the following is not a feature of the liberal theory of International Relation:

a) Human beings are rational and moral creatures
b) Economic Interdependence make war less likely
c) Democracy is inherently peaceful
d) None of these

Ans. d) None of these

19. Who among the following thinker belief in the possibility of  " Universal and perpetual peace " :

a) Immanuel Kant
b) Machiavelli
c) Thucydides
d) All of the above

Ans. a) Immanuel Kant

20. The book " metaphysics of morals " (1785) is written by: 

a) Immanuel Kant
b) Machiavelli
c) Thucydides
d) All of the above

Ans. a) Immanuel Kant

21. Which among the following book is not written by Immanuel Kant:

a) Critique of Pure Reason (1781)
b) Metaphysics of Morals (1785)
c) Principles of Morals and Legislation (1789) 
d) None of these

Ans. c) Principles of Morals and Legislation (1789) 

22. The idea of  " discourse of power " is given by:

a) Michel Foucault
b) Machiavelli
c) Thucydides
d) Immanuel Kant

Ans. a) Michel Foucault

23. Which among the following organization strain on the liberalization of foreign investment and foreign trade:

a) World Bank
b) International Monetary Fund
c) World Trade Organisation
d) All of these

Ans. c) World Trade Organisation

24. In which year did the government remove the barriers for trade and investment in India:

a) 1989
c) 1992
d) 1993

Ans. b)1991

25. The process of rapid worldwide integration or interconnection through free trade, free mobility of capital and labour is called:

a) Privatisation
b) Liberalisation
c) Globalisation
d) Modernisation

Ans. c) Globalisation

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