1. Who coined the word 'Democracy':

a) Aristotle
b) Herodotus
c) Burns
d) Lecky

Ans. b) Herodotus

2. Democracy is derived from the two words - 'demos' and 'kratos', which are ---- words.

a) Greek
b) Latin
c) English
d) French

Ans. a) Greek

3. Who quoted the definition of democracy as: " Democracy is a government of the people, by the people, and for the people.":

a) Prof. Bryce
b) Prof. Dicey
c) Abraham Lincoln
d) C. B. Macpherson

Ans. c) Abraham Lincoln

4. Who has given the idea of  'Iron law of Oligarchy':

a) Pareto
b) Michels
c) Mosca
d) Robert Dahl

Ans. b) Michels

5. Who among the following tells us, " Democracy is another name self-government":

a) Aristotle
b) Herodotus
c) Burns
d) Lecky

Ans. c) Burns

6. Which among the following are the main theme of the French Revolution(1789):

a) Liberty, equality, fraternity
b) Democracy, equality, fraternity
c) Secularism, liberty, freedom
d) Liberty, equality, freedom

Ans. a) Liberty, equality, fraternity

7. Which among the following is not correctly matched:

a) The American War of Independence--1776
b) The French Revolution--1789
c) Glorious Revolution--1648
d) Russian Revolution--1917

Ans. c) Glorious Revolution--1648

8. The book ' Real World of Democracy ' is written by:

a) Prof. Bryce
b) Prof. Dicey
c) Robert Dahl
d) C. B. Macpherson

Ans. d) C. B. Macpherson

9. What are the major features of Democracy according to C.B. Macpherson:

a) Control, participation, welfarism
b) Liberty, equality, freedom
c) Participation, representation, rule of law
d) All of the above

Ans. a) Control, participation, welfarism

10. Who among the following eliminated Church as intermediatory between the individual and the creator:

a) St. Thomas Aquinas
b) Martin Luther
c) John Calvin
d) Jean Bodin

Ans. b) Martin Luther

11. Who for the first time given the idea of " Rights to life, liberty, estate ":

a) Rousseau
b) Hobbes
c) Locke
d) Macpherson

Ans. c) Locke

12. The book " Models of Democracy " is written by: 

a) David Held
b) C.B. Macpherson
c) Alexis de Tocqueville
d) Montesquieu

Ans. a) David Held

13. Who said, "The state exists for the greatest happiness of the greater number":

a) J.S. Mill
b) Bentham
c) Alexis de Tocqueville
d) Montesquieu

Ans. b) Bentham

14. The book " The Federalist Papers " is written by:

a) Adam Smith
b) James Madison
c) Alexis de Tocqueville
d) Montesquieu

Ans. b) James Madison

15. Who among the following thinker is not a proponent of the elitist theory of democracy:

a) Vilfredo Pareto
b) Gaetano Mosca
c) Robert Michels
d) None of the above

Ans. d) None of the above

16. The book " Democracy in America " is written by:

a) Adam Smith
b) James Madison
c) Alexis de Tocqueville
d) Montesquieu

Ans. c) Alexis de Tocqueville

17. Landsgemeinde is one of the oldest and the simplest forms of direct democracy practice in which country:

a) Switzerland
b) Ireland
c) Italy
d) New Zealand

Ans. a) Switzerland

18. " Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy " is a major work of:

a) Robert Dahl
b) Schumpeter
c) C. B. Macpherson
d) C. wright Mill

Ans. b) Schumpeter

19. Which among the followings are the forms of direct democracy:

a) Landsgemeinde, initiative
b) Initiative, Referendum
c) Recall, Initiative
d) All of the above

Ans. d) All of the above

20. Who among the following thinker called Individual as a 'noble savage':

a) Immanuel Kant
b) Adam Smith
c) Rousseau
d) James Madison

Ans. c) Rousseau

21. The idea of  'separation of power' is given by:

a) Montesquieu
b) Adam Smith
c) Rousseau
d) James Madison

Ans. a) Montesquieu

22. Which one among the following forms is used at the level of state government in the USA:

a) Landsgemeinde
b) Initiative
c) Recall
d) All of the above

Ans. b) Initiative

23. The book " Structures of Power(1987) " is written by:

a) Schwarzmantel
b) Schumpeter
c) Kant
d) Robert Dahl

Ans. a) Schwarzmantel

24.  The book " The Power Elite(1956) " is written by:

a) Vilfredo Pareto
b) Gaetano Mosca
c) Robert Michels
d) C. Wright Mills

Ans. d) C. Wright Mills

25. Which among the followings are the major works of Robert A. Dahl:

a) A Preface to Democratic Theory
b) Democracy and its Critics
c) On Democracy
d) All of the above

Ans. d) All of the above

26. The idea of countervailing power is used by:

a) Schwarzmantel
b) Schumpeter
c) J.K. Galbraith
d) Robert Dahl

Ans. c) J.K. Galbraith

27. The book " The Intelligence of Democracy " is written by:

a) Schwarzmantel
b) Schumpeter
c) J.K. Galbraith
d) Charles E. Lindblom

Ans. d) Charles E. Lindblom

28. Who among the following thinker used the term " DEMARCHY ":

a) John Burnheim
b) Schumpeter
c) J.K. Galbraith
d) Charles E. Lindblom
Ans. a) John Burnheim

29. Who among the following describes deliberative democracy as 'discursive democracy':

a) Dryzek
b) Schumpeter
c) J.K. Galbraith
d) Charles E. Lindblom
Ans. a) Dryzek

30. Who among the following was originally coined the term " deliberative democracy ":

a) Dryzek
b) Schumpeter
c) Joseph M. Bessette
d) Charles E. Lindblom
Ans. c) Joseph M. Bessette

31. The book " An Economic Theory of Democracy " is written by:

a) Anthony Downs
b) Schumpeter
c) Joseph M. Bessette
d) Charles E. Lindblom

Ans. a) Anthony Downs

32. Who believed in the culture of "possessive individualism":

a) C.B. Macpherson
b) Schumpeter
c) Joseph M. Bessette
d) Charles E. Lindblom

Ans. a) C.B. Macpherson

33. Who among the following are the proponents of the participatory theory of democracy:

a) Carole Pateman
b) C.B. Macpherson
c) Poulantazs
d) All of the above

Ans. d) All of the above

34. The book " State, Power, Socialism " is written by:

a) Carole Pateman
b) C.B. Macpherson
c) Poulantazs
d) Prof. Held

Ans. c) Poulantazs

35. Who among the followings are the proponents of Radical Democracy:

a) J. Burnheim
b) W.E. Connolly
c) H. Patomaki
d) All of the above

Ans. d) All of the above

36. The book " Is Democracy Possible? " is written by:

a) J. Burnheim
b) W.E. Connolly
c) H. Patomaki
d) J Cohen

Ans. a) J. Burnheim

37. Who among the following is not a book of Robert A. Dahl:

a) A Preface to Democratic Theory
b) After the Revolution
c) On Democracy
d) Models of Democracy

Ans. d) Models of Democracy

38. Who among the following said, " Free the capitalist, he will free the world ":

a) Schwarzmantel
b) Schumpeter
c) Adam Smith
d) Robert Dahl

Ans. c) Adam Smith

39. The book " The Wealth of Nations " is written by:

a) Schwarzmantel
b) Schumpeter
c) Adam Smith
d) Robert Dahl

Ans. c) Adam Smith

40. Who among the following refers to a term called 'Tele-democracy":

a) J. Burnheim
b) W.E. Connolly
c) H. Patomaki
d) Scott London

Ans. d) Scott London

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