


1. Who said 'The state comes into existence for the shake of life and continues for the shake of good life':
 (a) Rousseau
      (b) John Locke
 (c) Aristotle
     (d) Karl Marx

2. Who is the first philosopher to introduce the classification of knowledge and paved the way for  their independent  development:  
 (a) Rousseau
      (b) John Locke
 (c) Aristotle
     (d) Karl Marx

3.  Who commended the science of politics as the 'master science' or 'master arts': 
 (a) Plato
             b) John Locke
        (c) Aristotle
            (d) Karl Marx

4. Which among the following is not a work of Aristotle: 
           (a) Metaphysics
                         (b) Nicomachean Ethics
  (c) Politics
      (d) Republic

5.  Aristotle's concept of justice was described in which of his work:
           (a) Metaphysics
                         (b) Nicomachean Ethics
  (c) Politics
      (d) Republic

6. According to Aristotle-  Justice is:
       (a) The interest of the stronger
                       (b) Speaking truth and paying one's debt
                   (c) The virtue derived from the wealth
                                                 (d) The perfect virtue...that is displayed towards others.

7. According to Aristotle, the legislator should be concerned with:
    (a) Commutative Justice
  (b) Distributive Justice
(c) Corrective Justice
   (d) Retributive Justice

8. Aristotle divided the concept of justice into how many types: 
(a) 3
(b) 4
(c) 5
(d) 2

9. Who among the following known as an early exponent of conservatism:
   (a) Plato
               (b) John Locke
         (c) Aristotle
             (d) Karl Marx

10. Which among the following is the basic principle of distributive justice: 
               (a) treating everyone equally
                                                    (b) treating equals equally and unequal unequally
                                         (c) treating everyone on the basis of wealth
(d) all of the above

11. which among the following is not correctly matched: 
                                                   (a) Distributive Justice - concern of the legislator
                                               (b) Retributive Justice - concern of the judges
                                                   (c) Commutative Justice - concern of the judges
(d) None of these 

12. Which among the following is known as the rule of few: 
       (a) Monarchy
           (b) Aristocracy
 (c) Polity
           (d) Democracy

13. Who said, "Democracy is based on a false assumption of equality":
   (a) Plato
               (b) John Locke
          (c) Aristotle
              (d) Karl Marx

14. The book 'Democratic Theory: Essays in Retrieval(1973): 
(a) Barker
    (b) Aristotle
          (c) Macpherson
            (d) None of these

15. Aristotle's classification of constitutions is based on which method:
        (a) Historical method
             (b) comparative method
       (c) empirical method
(d) none of these


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