political science knowledge


International relations 



   International Relations is the Study of the relationships between and among the States(Government). But nowadays Government  Decisions are also influenced by various Non-State Actors like various inter-governmental organizations (UN, SAARC, EUROPEAN UNION, ASEAN, etc.), Non-governmental organizations(GREENPEACE, AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL, etc.) and Multinational Organisations(MNCs). So International Relations includes the study of both States and Non-States Actors and Individuals.


    The term “INTERNATIONAL” FIRST USED BY JEREMY BENTHAM in his book “ An Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation ” in later part of the 18th century to define the relationships between the sovereign states.       


  •  Hans j Morgenthau: Struggle of power among states in the International system.
  • Palmer and Perkins: International Relations is a subject concerned with the state system.
  • Hartman: International Relations is a field of study focused upon the process by which States adjust their national interests to those of states

We can conclude: 

International Relations is the systematic study of “ interaction “ among different actors( Nation States, International Organizations, Non-Governmental Organizations, MNCs, and Individuals) at International stage.

                                                                                               questions on International relations

Nature of International Relations

states are the primary actors of IR:-

States are the key actors of International Relations and International relations is primarily a process of interactions among nations. There are several other actors like IGOs, NGOs, and MNCs but the primacy always belongs to the states because these states always control all types of conflict and violence in International Relations.

National Interest is the objective of IR:-

National Interest is the objective of International relations that each nation attempts to secure it with the maintenance of the relation with other relations. International Relations is an art for the states to secure their national interest by using control over other states.

Conflict as the condition of IR:-

Conflicts, cooperation, coercion, and persuasion are always present in International Relations. So the study of International Relations involves a study of conflict and conflict resolution among nations.

Power as the Means as well as End in IR:-

Power is both means as well as an end in International Relations. Every nation uses power for their national interest and each and every nation is continuously working for acquiring, increasing and maintaining their National Power. so International relations is a continuous struggle for power between and among nations.

IR involves continuous interaction among Nations:-

International Relations involves continuous interaction between and among the nations. The interaction can be cooperative, competitive, or conflictual in nature. Every nation interacts with each other through various treaties, economic ties, diplomatically arranged meetings, etc. In the era of interdependence, the scope of interactions among and between the nations is becoming a  continuous process.

Interaction among Foreign Policies:-

Foreign policy is known as the behavior of a state towards other states. Every nation formulates its foreign policy according to its national interest. Nowadays there is a large number of interactions and ties between the nations to secure their foreign policy goals. 

Scope of International Relations:-

The scope of the study of IR includes the following major areas\issues\topics: -


International Relations is the study of interactions between and among the states and in International Relations nation-states are the primary actors. So the study of International Relations covers national interests, national power, technology, the military strength of every nation-state, and their interactions with others.

National Interest:-

National interest is the objective and goal of International relations. Every nation wants to secure its national interest for which the nation interacts with others and make relations with other nations and organization.  We can say there is always a national interest behind the relations and interactions between nations on the international stage. 

National power:-

The concept of national power is the core concept of International Relations. Every nation wants to increase, secure, and maintain its national power for which it diplomatically interacts with other nations. Power and security are the main aims behind the International relations so International Relations covers the study of national power.

Foreign Policy:-

The behaviour of each and every state is always directed and formulated by their foreign policy. The power and position of a state in the international system can be recognised by its foreign policy strategies and implementations. So the study of foreign policy expands the scope of International Relations.

International organizations, Agencies, Institutions and Associations:-

International relations is not only the relations between and among the nations but also it covers the study of various international organizations (United Nations, World Trade Organisations, etc) regional organizations like SAARC, European Union, ASEAN etc, and many other institutions, agencies and associations which are playing an important role in shaping and affecting the decisions of nation-states.

Non-state organizations and actors:-

Rise of several active and non-political non-state actors like NGOs, MNCs, TNCs, Human rights organizations, environmental, and peace movements also expand the scope of International Relations. These are playing an important role in the international stage and largely influenced the decisions and foreign policies of the nation-states.

Study of current Global issues and challenges before The international community of Nations:-

The scope of International relations covers the study of various current global issues and challenges like- Terrorism, Issues related to Climate change, protection of human rights, sustainable development, nuclear disarmament, etc. and these studies make International relations as a dynamic and vast subject of study.

Thus, the nature and scope of International Relations have been a very vast, dynamic and it is still rapidly expanding.

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