Niccolo Machiavelli


Niccolo Machiavelli

1. Who is known as the first modern political thinker:
      (a) Aristotle
(b) Plato
          (c) Machiavelli
                 (d) All of the above

2.Niccolo Machiavelli born on: 
  (a) Florence
(b) Athens
(c) Stagira
                   (d) None of the above

3. According to Machiavelli, which type of government is the ideal form of government:
(a) Republic
   (b) Monarchy
     (c) Aristocracy
        (d) None of these

4. Which is not a book written by Machiavelli:
(a) The Prince
              (b) Discourses of Livy
                                              (c) Second Treatise of Civil Government.
         (d) The Art of War

5. Who known as 'Devil's disciple' and 'Despot's tutor':
     (a) Aristotle
(b) Plato
          (c) Machiavelli
                 (d) All of the above

6. Who dubbed Machiavelli as a "teacher of evil":
                 (a) Benedetto Croce
                (b) Ernest Cassirer
(c) Sabine
         (d) Leo Strauss

7. Machiavelli is known as ___ of politics:
(a) Galileo
 (b) Newton
 (c) Einstein
          (d) None of these

8. According to Machiavelli, which is the practical form of government recommended for vicious people: 
(a) Republic
   (b) Monarchy
     (c) Aristocracy
             (d) None of these     

9.  Who separated politics from ethics:
     (a) Aristotle
(b) Plato
           (c) Machiavelli
                  (d) All of the above

10. Who advised, 'Prince should have the qualities of both lion and fox':
    a) Aristotle
(b) Plato
           (c) Machiavelli
                  (d) All of the above

11. Who is known as Indian Machiavelli: 
(a) Kautilya
                 (b) Mahatma Gandhi
     (c) Aurobindo
          (d) None of these

12. Machiavelli's philosophy is based on which method:
   (a) Philosophical
(b) Empirical
(c) Historical 
   (d) Value-based

13. Who was first to encourage the use of 'dirty hands' in politics:
     a) Aristotle
(b) Plato
           (c) Machiavelli
    (d) Hobbes

14.' A History of Political Theory' is written by:
                 (a) Benedetto Croce
                (b) Ernest Cassirer
(c) Sabine
         (d) Leo Strauss

15. Who among the following called Machiavelli as a 'realist' or a 'pragmatist':
                  (a) Benedetto Croce
                 (b) Ernest Cassirer
 (c) Sabine
          (d) Leo Strauss

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