

Conservatism places full emphasis upon the value of traditions, traditional institutions and traditional practices of politics in society. Conservatism supports and advocates the retention of and respect for traditional social and political institutions and practices of society. Conservatives emphasized on stability and continuity and oppose radical reformism, attempts at transformation and modernization.

            Edmund Burke is known as the first conservative political thinker. David Hume, Richard Hooker, Michael Oakeshott are the other thinkers of Conservatism.

Basic components of conservatism

1.      Anarchism gives cardinal importance to traditions, values and customs of society.
2.     Full faith in the wisdom of ages and historical inheritance which are regarded as the pillars of the wisdom of ages and social inheritance.
3.     It has respect for traditions, customs, values and institutions of society which ensure peace, stability and security of the people.
4.     It also rejects the abstract principles and ideologies.
5.     According to conservative theorists, society is an organic whole structured by natural necessity, with its various institutions like families, local communities, the nation and so on and rejects the liberal view that state is a creation of a human will and society as a collection of individuals.
6.     Conservatism gives a pessimistic view of human nature and projects man as self-seeking, dependent.
7.     It has faith in the social hierarchy, inequality and aristocracy.
8.     Conservatism is opposed to revolution, revolutionary changes and radical reforms.

                    Conservatism ensures social stability and promotes social solidarity. It opposes liberalism which demands social justice, human freedom and development of global culture. Moreover, conservatism is a political theory that wants to preserve the existing order which is  the safest and tested with the time.

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