Necessities and uses of political theory

 Necessities and uses of political theory

  Political theory means the theory of politics where politics means, in traditional terms theory of state and government, and in modern terms ‘theory of political relations and interactions’. Political theory is the theory of politics. It seeks to understand analyze and explain the political phenomena and prescribes ways and means to reform it or to rectify its shortcomings.

  Political theory is like an ideology that includes a set belief, values, and ideas which is accepted by the people in the process of their governance. It involves systematic reflections on politics or state or government or political institutions. Finally, political theory is related to the state, government, and political institutions. It is the handiwork of philosophers, historians, economists, theologians, sociologists, thinkers, journalists, intellectuals and all others who try to understand and explain the political reality.

  Utilities and necessities of political theory

Political theory can help the society to reform its institutions and relations by adopting values and concepts in social, political and economic processes and relations. The political theory offers descriptions and explanations about political institutions, processes, and political goals and values. It also provides standards for judging the worth of political institutions' politics and goals.

  Political theory can play an important role in the development of political science as a social science discipline. Political theory as a tool of political science is a valuable sub-field of political science. Political theory has various the alternative principle, concepts, and approaches regarding nature and purpose of the state, the organization, functions, and powers of the government, basis of political authority, and the relationship between the individual and the state. It offers a vision of an ideal political institutions and guides the process of political change. The political the theory also offers empirical explanations of various processes and political dimensions.

  Political theory can also offer many more alternatives, methods, and reforms for meeting the problems of poverty, under-development, corruption, terrorism, violence, ethnic violence, and similar others, which our contemporary society is being faced.

1-     We study political theory because it helps us to discover scientific laws and alternative public policies.
2-     The political theory now also act as a source of organization which helps us to know the kind of facts which are to be observed analyzed in politics.
3-     The political theory also helps us in the study of various theories, concepts, and approaches which are significantly used for the study of politics.
4-     Political the theory brings out the gaps in existing knowledge, and we also able to know in which areas still need exploration and research.

After studying all these points we came to know that political theory reflects the importance and significance of political theory in the study of politics. The political theory makes political science an independent discipline gives a scientific character to political science helps policy makers to solve political problems, gives political knowledge to the people and it also brings social change in society.

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