1.  In Plato’s state the government is run by : 
 (a) Workers 
         (b) Philosophers 
(c) Soldiers
         (d) Constitution 

               2. According to the Philosophy of Plato, the fundamental character of the philosopher is :
(a) Courage 
(b) Wisdom
 (c) Appetite 
                 (d) None of the above

        3.  According to Plato, justice is:
     (a) The interest of the stronger
                       (b) Speaking truth and paying one's debt
                   (c) The virtue derived from the wealth
(d) virtue befitting the state

4. Who criticized Plato as a totalitarian thinker:
(a) Karl Popper
         (b) Bertrand Russell
         (c) R.H.S. Crossman
       (d) All of the above

5. Plato's communism was applied to which class:
   (a) Guardian
(b) Soldier
(c) Trader
                (d) All of the above

6. Plato's concept of justice is described in his work:
       (a) the Statesman
(b) the Laws
      (c) the Republic
        (d) None of these

7. Who declared 'the Republic ' as best treaties on education:
       (a) Aristotle
          (b) Rousseau
      (c) Barker
 (d) Mill

8. Who described - justice as 'the interest of the stronger':
(a) Plato
      (b) Glaucon
        (c) Cephalus
                  (d) Thrasymachus

9. Which book is not written by Plato: 
      (a) Republic
         (b) Statesman
(c) Laws
     (d) Politics

10. The book 'Plato Today'(1959) is written by: 
(a) Karl Popper
        (b) Bertrand Russell
         (c) R.H.S. Crossman
           (d) None of the above

11. 'The spell of Plato'(1945) is written by: 
(a) Karl Popper
        (b) Bertrand Russell
         (c) R.H.S. Crossman
           (d) None of the above

12. Plato's education system is founded on the principle of: 
            (a) Compulsory Education
                                              (b) Full equality of opportunity for all citizens
                                                             (c) No discrimination on the ground of birth or gender
(d) All of the above

13. According to Plato, how many virtues are in a perfect society:
(a) 3
(b) 4
(c) 5
(d) 2

14. Which among the following is correctly matched:
       (a) Soldier - Temperance
         (b) Philosopher - courage
  (c) Trader - Appetite
(d) All of the above

15. Who criticized Plato as a champion of a close society:
(a) Karl Popper
        (b) Bertrand Russell
         (c) R.H.S. Crossman
           (d) None of the above


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