


1. Confucius is a political philosopher was born in:

a) China
b) Italy
c) England
d) Germany

Ans. a) China

2. Confucius's philosophy is based on the ideas:

a)  personal and governmental morality
b) correctness of social relationship
c) sincerity and kindness
d) All of the above

Ans. d) All of the above

3. Who among the following thinker said, " Do not do unto others what you do not want to be done to yourself":

a) Plato
b) Socrates
c) Hume
d) Confucius

Ans. d) Confucius

4. Confucius was born on:

a) 551 BC
b) 550 BC
c) 552 BC
d) 561 BC

Ans. a) 551 BC

5.  According to which philosopher, " Heaven sends down its good or evil symbols and wise men act accordingly":

a) Plato
b) Socrates
c) Hume
d) Confucius

Ans. d) Confucius

6. Who among the following is known as 'the first teacher of China ':

a) Confucius
b) Mao
c) Lu Garrison
d) None of these

Ans. a) Confucius

7. Confucius's philosophy is based on:

a) Internationalism
b) Nationalism
c) Communalism
d) Humanism

Ans. d) Humanism

8. Which among the following book is not written by Confucius:

a) The Analects
b) The essential Analects
c) The Complete Confucious
d) None of the above

Ans. d) None of the above

9. Who among the following thinker give more importance to '' sense of shame " than punishment:

a) Plato
b)  Socrates
c) Hume
d) Confucius

Ans. d) Confucius

10. Confucius is known as a:

a) Liberalist
b) Marxist
c) conservative thinker
d) Socialist 

Ans. c) conservative thinker

11. Who among the following want to restore " Mandate of Heaven " that can unify the world and bestow peace and prosperity on the people:

a) Plato
b)  Socrates
c) Hume
d) Confucius

Ans. d) Confucius

12. Confucius did not believe in 'democracy' because:

a) Masses lacked the intent to make decisions for themselves
b) Not everyone is created equal, not everyone has a right of self-government.
c) only (a)
d) both (a) and (b)

Ans. d) both (a) and (b)

13. Confucius supported the idea of government rule by:

a) A virtuous king
b) By few elites
c) People's representatives
d) Common people of China 

Ans.  a) A virtuous king

14. Who among the following thinker opposes the idea of punishment:

a) Plato
b)  Socrates
c) Hume
d) Confucius

Ans. d) Confucius

15. Confucius was educated at schools for commoners where he  learned 6 arts which are:

a) Rites and Music
b) Archery and Charioteering
c) Calligraphy and mathematics
d) All of the above

Ans. d) All of the above

16. Which among the following books  is a collection of Confucius's conversations and teaching:

a) The Analects
b) Confucius says
c) The complete work of Confucious
d) The Art of War

Ans. a) The Analects

17. According to Confucius, which are the constant virtues should present in every individual:

a) Compassion and knowledge
b) Justice and integrity
c) Ritual propriety
d) All of the above

Ans. d) All of the above

18. Confucius in his theory of ethic said about how many conceptual aspects of life:

a) 3
b) 4
c) 5
d) 2

Ans. a) 3

19. Which among the following are the major theory of ethics given by Confucius:

a) Self-cultivation
b) Emulation of moral exemplars
c) Attainment of skilled judgment rather than knowledge of rules
d) All of the above

Ans. d) All of the above

20. Which among the following is not included in the Confucian book of classics:

a) Books of rites
b) Books of changes
c) Books of spring and autumn
d) Books of mathematics

Ans. d) Books of mathematics

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