Thomas Hobbes


Thomas Hobbes

1. Who said,' it is not wisdom but authority makes a law': 
(a) John Locke
(b) Machiavelli
(c) Thomas Hobbes
(d) Rosseau

2. Who among the following is an English philosopher:
(a) Aristotle
(b) Rousseau
(c) Machiavelli
(d) Thomas Hobbes

3. Which of the following is/are the major works of Thomas Hobbes:
(a) De homine
(b) Leviathan
(c) The Cive
(d) All of the above

4. The book Leviathan was published in:
(a) 1651
(b) 1650
(c) 1652
(d) 1653

5. Who is the chief exponent of 'divine right of the king':
(a) Plato
(b) Aristotle
(c) Hobbes
(d) Robert Filmer

6. which following political thinker is an early exponent of 'individualism' and ends up as a champion on of 'absolutism':
(a) Locke
(b) Hobbes
(c) Plato
(d) Machiavelli

7. Hobbes was inspired by:
(a) Galileo's Theory of Motion
(b) Aristotle's concept of Justice
(c) Machiavelli's art of statecraft
(d) None of these

8. Who said, Life of man is "solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short":
(a) Locke
(b) Hobbes
(c) Plato
(d) Machiavelli

9. Who defined Sovereignty as ' supreme power over citizens and subjects, unrestrained by law':
(a) Locke
(b) Hobbes
(c) Plato
(d) Jean Bodin

10. The Hobbesian social contract is based on:
(a) Desire for peace 
(b) Selfishness
(c) Fear
(d) Completion

11. 'Leviathan' is written by:
(a) Locke
(b) Hobbes
(c) Plato
(d) Machiavelli

12. Natural liberty is nothing but 'self-preservation':
 a) Locke
(b) Hobbes
(c) Plato
(d) Machiavelli

13. Who said, ' Hobbes's morality is essentially a bourgeois morality':
(a) Barker
(b) Sabine
(c) Macpherson
(d) None of these

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