


1. Who among the following is not an exponent of communitarianism:
(a) Hegel
(b) Rousseau
(c) Michael Sandel
(d) None of the above

Ans. (d) None of the above

2. The book 'After Virtue' (1981) is written by:
(a) Alasdaire MacIntyre
(b) Charles Taylor
(c) Michael Walzer
(d) None of these

Ans. (a) Alasdaire MacIntyre

3. Who among the following priortize 'right' over 'good':
(a) Alasdaire MacIntyre
(b) Charles Taylor
(c) Michael Walzer
(d) John Rawls

Ans. (d) John Rawls

4. Who commended justice as 'the first virtue of social institution':
(a) John Rawls
(b) Alasdaire MacIntyre
(c) Charles Taylor
(d) Michael Walzer

Ans. (a) John Rawls

5. The book 'Liberalism and the Limits of Justice'(1982) is written by:
(a) Michael Sandel
(b) Alasdaire MacIntyre
(c) Charles Taylor
(d) Michael Walzer

Ans. (a) Michael Sandel

6. The principle of 'complex equality' in the distribution of goods:\
(a) Michael Sandel
(b) Alasdaire MacIntyre
(c) Charles Taylor
(d) Michael Walzer

Ans. (d) Michael Walzer

7. The book 'Spheres of Justice' is written by:
(a) Michael Sandel
(b) Alasdaire MacIntyre
(c) Charles Taylor
(d) Michael Walzer

Ans. (d) Michael Walzer

8. The principle of 'unencumbered self' is given by:
(a) John Rawls
(b) Alasdaire MacIntyre
(c) Charles Taylor
(d) Michael Walzer

Ans. (a) John Rawls

9. 'Sources of the self ' is written by:
(a) John Rawls
(b) Alasdaire MacIntyre
(c) Charles Taylor
(d) Michael Walzer

Ans. (c) Charles Taylor

10. Which among the following is not an exponent of communitarianism:

(a) John Rawls
(b) Alasdaire MacIntyre
(c) Charles Taylor
(d) Michael Walzer

Ans. (a) John Rawls

11. The book ' Democracy and Discontent '(1996) is written by:
(a) Michael Sandel
(b) Alasdaire MacIntyre
(c) Charles Taylor
(d) Michael Walzer

Ans. (a) Michael Sandel

12. The term 'possessive individualism' was coined by:

(a) John Rawls

(b) Alasdaire MacIntyre
(c) Charles Taylor
(d) C.B. Macpherson

Ans. (d) C.B. Macpherson

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